Preis: 270.000.000,- Gs
ID: MP53818
Grundstücksfläche: 6 Hektare
This property has a plot of 17 hectare, it is located between Atyra and Altos and is ideal for self-sufficent living, because the electricity is extracted from a own solar plant ( 2700 W / island system ) and the water is extracted from two deep wells, one of them has a capacity of 30.000 liters and, enough for a big greenhouse. On the property exist meadows and small pastures, especially for sheep farming. An another part is covered with bushes, palms and many trees. It has a light hillside situation, with a wonderfull view of Atyra and sourroundings. There are two houses, one with a buit-over area of 70 m2 and a living space of 40 m2, the other house has a built-over area of 160 m2 and a living space of 40 m2 too. 1 stable of approx. 110 m2. There exist foundations for a greenhouse or a big stable of approx. 520 m2. In addition is available a roof construction, welded of round pipe / ready for the construction. In addition, it can be acquired: a tractor / sheep.
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